Best Credit Union Cd Rates

  1. Best Credit Union Cd Rates
  2. Best Credit Union Cd Rates In Nc
  3. 3% 1 Year Cd

Start earning today!

Best Credit Union CD rates for 1- to 5-year terms: Easy to join: Connexus Credit Union: 0.71%-1.01% APY, $5,000 minimum deposit. Consumers Credit Union: 0.45%-0.70% APY, $250 minimum deposit. How We Determine the Best Credit Unions. SmartAsset’s experts examined the offerings of 20 top credit unions. We scored the best by taking into account each institution’s financial offerings, fees, account minimums, interest rates and membership requirements.

Find out how much you can earn with an Alaska USA Certificate Account.

Visit any branch location or contact the Member Service Center to open a certificate account. Members enrolled in UltraBranch can open a certificate account online.

Rates as of 3/6/2021

Best Credit Union Cd Rates

Select an option below to view the rates associated with that minimum balance.

Minimum Balance - $500
TermAnnual Percentage Yield*
1 - 2 Months0.150%
3 - 5 Months0.150%
6 - 8 Months0.250%
9 - 11 Months0.250%
12 - 17 Months0.400%
18 - 23 Months0.400%
24 - 35 Months0.400%
36 - 47 Months0.500%
48 - 59 Months0.600%
60 Months0.700%
Minimum Balance - $2,500
TermAnnual Percentage Yield*
1 - 2 Months0.150%
3 - 5 Months0.150%
6 - 8 Months0.250%
9 - 11 Months0.250%
12 - 17 Months0.400%
18 - 23 Months0.400%
24 - 35 Months0.400%
36 - 47 Months0.500%
48 - 59 Months0.600%
60 Months0.700%
Minimum Balance - $10,000
TermAnnual Percentage Yield*
1 - 2 Months0.150%
3 - 5 Months0.150%
6 - 8 Months0.250%
9 - 11 Months0.250%
12 - 17 Months0.400%
18 - 23 Months0.400%
24 - 35 Months0.400%
36 - 47 Months0.500%
48 - 59 Months0.600%
60 Months0.700%
Minimum Balance - $25,000
TermAnnual Percentage Yield*
1 - 2 Months0.150%
3 - 5 Months0.150%
6 - 8 Months0.250%
9 - 11 Months0.250%
12 - 17 Months0.400%
18 - 23 Months0.400%
24 - 35 Months0.400%
36 - 47 Months0.500%
48 - 59 Months0.600%
60 Months0.700%
Minimum Balance - $50,000
TermAnnual Percentage Yield*
1 - 2 Months0.150%
3 - 5 Months0.150%
6 - 8 Months0.250%
9 - 11 Months0.250%
12 - 17 Months0.400%
18 - 23 Months0.400%
24 - 35 Months0.400%
36 - 47 Months0.500%
48 - 59 Months0.600%
60 Months0.700%
Minimum Balance - $100,000
TermAnnual Percentage Yield*
1 - 2 Months0.150%
3 - 5 Months0.150%
6 - 8 Months0.250%
9 - 11 Months0.250%
12 - 17 Months0.400%
18 - 23 Months0.400%
24 - 35 Months0.400%
36 - 47 Months0.500%
48 - 59 Months0.600%
60 Months0.700%
Minimum Balance - $250,000

Best Credit Union Cd Rates

TermAnnual Percentage Yield*
1 - 2 Months0.150%
3 - 5 Months0.150%
6 - 8 Months0.250%
9 - 11 Months0.250%
12 - 17 Months0.400%
18 - 23 Months0.400%
24 - 35 Months0.400%
36 - 47 Months0.500%
48 - 59 Months0.600%
60 Months0.700%

Best Credit Union Cd Rates In Nc

Best credit union cd rates 2020

* The disclosed Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is the prospective yield that Alaska USA anticipates paying for the applicable dividend period. The dividend method you select may affect certificate earnings. There is a penalty for early withdrawal from a certificate or tax deferred IRA certificate. In the event an early withdrawal lowers the certificate balance below the required minimum, the certificate must be canceled or closed, and the forfeiture amount will be calculated using the full balance of the certificate.

For complete account disclosure information, refer to your Share Account Disclosure Statement or call the Member Service Center: (907) 563-4567 or (800) 525-9094.

3% 1 Year Cd

Member accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. Individual Retirement Accounts are separately insured up to an additional $250,000.